As a business owner, you need to know how effective your marketing campaigns are. After all, if you can’t measure the performance of your campaigns, you won’t be able to make decisions that help your business grow. Luckily, attribution tools such as Point-of-Sale (POS) Matchback, Foot Traffic Attribution, and Cross-Device Pixel Tracking have been developed […]
Big Tech’s walled gardens have become inhospitable and overgrown – time to take your ad dollars elsewhere Big Tech’s ad spend appetite is larger than ever but the value it can offer has perhaps never been lower. We are witnessing a digital ad industry in flux. Regulation is playing a role, but as Big Tech […]
Go ahead, slide into that inbox Oh, the things we would do as consumers to protect our email inboxes. We deftly formatted our email addresses when sharing online to avoid internet scrapers. We created second, third, and fourth accounts to keep our beloved primary inbox from getting filled with junk. We hit the unsubscribe button […]
The dominoes are falling on data providers who fail to meet privacy standards. Fully permissioned PII is the path forward.
The industry is at a tipping point due to new regulatory changes. Marketers are facing continuous digital disruption and the challenges of ever-changing regulations. Marketers have a lot to think about when it comes to personalizing marketing communications and connecting with real people in a cookie-less future. According to a recent Forrester survey of brand and agency […]
Costs up, quality down Well, it was fun while it lasted. In the early days, when Big Tech companies were trying to figure out how the hell they were going to make money on mobile, they bent over backwards to please advertisers. Unprecedented targeting, superior value versus other channels and real, measurable results. They revolutionized […]
Looking from the inside out, we can all develop blindspots when attempting to assess how our own industry may become disrupted. Or how vulnerable our own businesses may be to this disruption. Peering in from the outside is often a lot easier. It became pretty clear Uber and Lyft were going to throw taxi markets […]
Don’t let Google control your cookieless destiny Suddenly, marketers need options. Here’s why you should forge your own path this time. If you build it, they will come. And spend hundreds of billions of dollars. And be beholden to you forever. (Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha….) That’s the Google business model. I guess “Don’t be evil” just had a […]
Apple iOS 15 & Privacy- There’s No Reason for Marketers to Sound the Alarm Apple recently announced that the upcoming iOS 15 update will include Mail Privacy Protection. This update is no cause for alarm. The industry has seen lower-than-expected user participation in similar ‘do not track’ initiatives including GDPR and Apple’s most recent iOS […]