Big Tech’s walled gardens have become inhospitable and overgrown – time to take your ad dollars elsewhere Big Tech’s ad spend appetite is larger than ever but the value it can offer has perhaps never been lower. We are witnessing a digital ad industry in flux. Regulation is playing a role, but as Big Tech […]
The dominoes are falling on data providers who fail to meet privacy standards. Fully permissioned PII is the path forward.
Cookies are going away and Big Tech players are trying to find a quick fix for ad personalization. The latest fix? Google Topics.
Don’t let Google control your cookieless destiny Suddenly, marketers need options. Here’s why you should forge your own path this time. If you build it, they will come. And spend hundreds of billions of dollars. And be beholden to you forever. (Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha….) That’s the Google business model. I guess “Don’t be evil” just had a […]