5 Reasons Why Mobile Device ID Tracking is the Future of Marketing

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How Well Do You Know Your Consumers?

As marketers, we are always trying to better understand our consumers. In a digital world where consumers are engaging daily across various media platforms, it can be challenging to keep track of who’s who and what’s what.

We’ll discuss 5 reasons why mobile device ID tracking is the super glue for putting all of this information together and knowing exactly who you are marketing.

Let’s think about our target audience, Sam. We observe Sam’s consumer behaviors: his email engagement, offline purchases at retail stores, online browser searches, where he lives, his demographic, etc., which all help in building his unique user profile.

But how can we be sure that all of the behaviors and interests that we’re tracking across different platforms really belong to the same person – or even a real, verified person for that matter?

A mobile device ID is an identifier that can be attributed to a specific, unique mobile device, which can typically be accessed through opt-in mobile apps. By tracking an individual’s mobile device ID, marketers can be sure that personalized consumer profiles are linked to verified mobile users to target them more effectively.

5 Reasons Why Mobile Device ID Tracking is the Future of Marketing:


1. Fraud-Free Marketing

Cookies help track people’s activity on their browsers, but they aren’t always the most accurate way to identify your consumers. For example, tracking an IP address could be misleading if it is used by multiple people within the same household.

More importantly, ad impressions are inevitably being wasted on bots posing as real people online. According to a study, $7.2 billion will be lost globally in 2016 to ad fraud that is wasted on non-human traffic – a loss that is only increasing year by year.

Stop wasting your time and money. By targeting consumers based on their unique mobile device ID, you know that who you are reaching out to is a real, verified user and not a fraudulent ad bot.

2. Deterministic Matching

A deterministic match is when you build a direct link between a user’s unique mobile device ID and his or her consumer data.

The guessing game isn’t going to cut it. Don’t be satisfied with a probabilistic match that may or may not be the target audience you want to reach.

Without a unique mobile device ID, It can be easy to confuse your consumer with others who may be engaging in similar ways. Be sure that who you are marketing to is consistent and accurate throughout his or her buyer’s journey.

3. Understanding Your Users Better

By verifying real users and understanding their unique media preferences, you can build accurate audience segments. Mobile audience segmentation observes mobile consumer behaviors such as app downloads, app usage, and purchasing habits.

For example, if Sam is downloading a lot of sports and fantasy league apps and deleting his video game apps, we can better understand his segmentation as a sports enthusiast more so than as a “gamer”.

Everyone’s mobile engagement is unique and varies over time; therefore, mobile device ID tracking provides real-time information about our target audiences so that we can build a more comprehensive, personalized profile.

4. Driving Conversions

With mobile device ID tracking, you’re no longer wasting ads by delivering to a place that gains no engagements because it’s the wrong person or it’s not even a real person at all.

By optimizing your campaigns to real, verified users who have a high propensity to engage on specific media, you are increasing the accuracy of your marketing initiatives and the likelihood that people will respond to them.

Drive conversions by hyper-targeting your campaigns to specific media and individuals who are likely to engage with your content.

5. Meeting People Where They Are

More doesn’t always mean better; the marketing world is shifting its focus from quantity to quality. Instead of spreading ads across all media platforms to every potential user, meet real people where they are engaging most and expressing interest in your product or service.

A Nielson study shows that 89% of consumers’ media time on smartphones is spent engaging with apps, which means the need to understand and identify mobile consumer behaviors is essential for effective marketing campaigns.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Understanding how people engage across various media and even offline helps build consumer profiles, but tracking mobile device IDs is the future of true effective marketing.

Don’t just guess and send ads based on who you think may be your target audience. Identify real, verified users so that you can engage with them in meaningful ways where they want to be met and are interacting most.

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