There’s an ongoing discussion about how marketers learn the balancing act of gathering necessary information to build effective marketing campaigns while also protecting consumer privacy.
However, consumer privacy is not an act of compromise. Marketers must prioritize the security of consumers first and foremost to guide the development of their strategy and campaign.
There are various ways to practice consumer privacy across different fields, but we’ve provided 3 simple ways to understand how to approach it in any situation:
1. Be Understanding, Not Nosey
As people are increasingly engaged across various devices, it’s increasingly important and possible for marketers to understand people through their consumer behaviors. A better understanding makes for a stronger relationship between the brand and its consumers.
The key is to be intentional. Don’t observe how consumers engage across all media to interrupt their activity; rather, understand their interests and media preferences so that you can better serve your consumers with ads that are helpful and relevant to them.
After all, behavioral data provides a more comprehensive understanding of consumers, as opposed to just psychographic and demographic data.
A study by the Network Advertising Initiative found that behaviorally-targeted ads are more than twice as valuable in terms of click rate and revenue per ad when compared to non-targeted ads.
Consumers respond better to your marketing efforts when they are not random and thoughtless. Valuable data should drive more relevant content and targeted messages, not overbearing databases with unorganized data serving interruptive and irrelevant ads.
2. Be Transparent
Consumers are becoming more aware that there is a plethora of data on them that exists in the digital realm. Properly informing people about the security of their data allows them to make an informed decision, building credibility and trust in your brand.
If you are disclosing consumers’ personal information, be transparent about this process and have an intention for every touchpoint.
For example, the form on your website should not be asking consumers’ for personal home addresses or social security numbers unless the follow-up actions are aligned with this information. People can become iffy or uneasy if they feel that they are providing too much personal information without understanding the purpose.
Also, you should always provide a clear opt-out choice, so that consumers are clearly aware of their right to engage with your ads.
Not only is it important to assess your brand’s approach to consumer privacy, but also the technology that supports your services.
3. Use Privacy-Conscious Technology
Do you trust your data technology? In order to build trust and confidence in your marketing efforts, you must first assess the security of the technology being utilized to gather, store and analyze data.
Some say that utilizing automation wherever possible can help prevent human intrusion, which is true because you want to avoid personal information from being brought into the wrong hands.
However, before moving the automation process forward, marketers are held to a responsibility to first invest in the privacy policies of the technology at hand.
In a data-driven digital world, marketers are responsible for the technology that serves as the hub for all consumer information.
By securing your technology platform, you can have full confidence in the collection, layering and analysis of your data to build target audiences and the effective campaigns to reach them.
Talk to People, Not Data Points
There is a shift in the marketing world that is moving its focus from data-driven campaigns to people-first marketing campaigns.
Not only is it essential to better understand consumers, but also to look out for the security of their privacy to ensure trust within the brand-consumer relationship as well as campaign success.
Our humanized approach to understanding data ensures that we are reaching real people and building campaigns as unique as our consumers. By turning information into intelligence, our insights allow us to tailor media plans to be intentional and relevant – not just interruptive noise.
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